The Ultimate Data Annotation Service

We offer scalable, accurate, fast, and secure annotation services with unbeatable price. Let us help labeling your perfect training and validation data, so you can focus on building your best machine learning models.

Annotation Services we offer

LabelNow provides quality fully controlled annotation services to bring the best quality data to our customers. We provide services for different applications: self driving vehicles, robotics, aerial imagery, smart retails, medical imagery, etc.

Image Annotation

Services for all inquiries related to 2D images: semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, 2D bounding box, polyline, polygon, landmark.

Video Annotation

We provide rich labeled data from videos including object tracking, human interactions, event / activity classification, video shot segmentation.

Cuboid Annotation

3D cuboids of objects and tracks of interest are labeled from a sequence of point clouds captured by LiDAR sensors.

Map Annotation

We can annotate city-leveled GeoJSON map at the highest accuracy. We also support OpenDrive annotation.

Use Cases

Self-driving vehicle is one of the most exciting products most people cannot wait to see it being released commercially in the next decade. We are happy to be part of it by helping scientists and engineers build their best models using our annotated data. In this application, we offers to provide:

  • 3D cuboids trajectories annotation.
  • 3D point cloud segmentation.
  • Semantic segmentation.
  • 2D object trajectories in video.
  • 2D bounding box annotation for: pedestrian, vehicle, traffic light, traffic sign.
  • Map annotation
  • We are also happy to customize our tool to support different annotation tasks such as: event classification for vehicles on the road, driver intentions, etc.

    Car Detection

    Semantic Segmentation

    Map Annotation

    3D Cuboid Annotation

    The future of retails is to maximize user experience while optimizing the in-store arrangement to improve sale conversion. The more information store owners can collect, the better decision they could make to boost their revenue. With the urge of making it possible, companies need our help in these areas:

  • 2D bounding box: people, product.
  • Demography: age, gender.
  • Emotion: happy, sad, angry, etc.
  • Activity: activity of shoppers in the store.
  • Head pose: attention of shopper.
  • Interaction: between retail staff and customers, between customers, between staffs.
  • We are also happy to work with companies providing smart retails services to help cleaning up their results to deliver accurate reports to their customers because no algorithm is perfect.

    Improve Inventory Planning

    Frictionless Shopping Experience

    People Annotation

    Activity Annotation

    Surveillance is a very important field needed everywhere. With proper solutions, it help to protect a house, a factory, or public platforms such as airports, subway stations. We help companies build their solid services via precise data annotation:

  • 2D bounding box: people, product, special vehicles.
  • 2D trajectories.
  • Abnormal behaviors.
  • Interaction.
  • Facial landmarks feature.
  • Face recognition.
  • Key points.
  • We hope to see the surveillance systems will be more and more robust to increase safety, prevent accidents, minimize abnormal behaviors, and improve productivity.

    Surroundings Perception

    Face Recognition

    Abnormal Behavior Detection

    Tracking Annotation

    Robots are more and more intelligent, they have been widely deployed in different industries including logistics, medical treatment, military, etc. Here we help fulfilling all of the data labeling needs to fuel the training process for robots:

  • 2D bounding box: people, special vehicle.
  • 3D bounding boxes: product to pick up.
  • Indoor map.
  • Semantic segmentation.
  • Human Interaction.
  • Quality Control

    Process Inspection

    Logistics Management

    Indoor Map Annotation

    AI has been advanced in medical diagnosis. We start seeing skin diseases being diagnosed automatically without having to see doctors, potential tumor areas have been detected more and more reliably. To make it better, it requires richer and richer special training datasets to train good models. We provide annotation services to label special regions accurately including:

  • 2D bounding box.
  • 2D segmentation.
  • This requires relevant expertise in the field to be able to label it correctly.

    Anomaly Detection

    Cell Inspection And Measurement

    Diagnostic Assistance

    Skin Disease Recognition

    There is no doubt that drones have become more and more popular in our daily life. Due to their versatility, drones have been used by many companies to provide different types of services such as: traffic analysis, roof repair estimation, business analysis for particular services such as detecting the number of swimming pools in the area, the number of solar roofs installed in a county. And several companies have started working on drone delivery. We are here to help making it happen faster by providing annotation services for:

  • 2D bounding box.
  • Semantic segmentation.
  • Video tracking annotation.
  • Object Detection

    Quality Control

    Traffic Pattern

    Driving Behavior Analysis

    Looking for a great tool for your in-house annotation work?

    Our powerful 2D and 3D annotation platform will bring you up to speed with all of relevant tools for project, task, and team management for easy integration, and scaling the work.

    How it works

    A simple process to help you get all of the annotated data you need as soon as possible. All you need to do is creating a task with data and instructions, we will take care of the rest.

    Task Submission

    Using our API or web platform to send off your task at any size as easy as sending an email.

    Data Processing

    It's on us to follow your requirements and process the data. You can check the progress and review the task at any time.

    Result Collection

    Pick up your result from the callback API or from our web platform with detailed report.

    Our Core Value


    Have high accuracy as one of our key offerings. All annotated data is under full quality control.


    Support a scalable platform and flexible annotation teams to support data inquiries of all sizes.

    Secure and private

    Secure our data and preserve privacy by following GDPR compliances.

    Affordable Pricing

    Provide unbeatable pricing while maintaining top-notch quality.


    We are proud to bring the most affordable pricing to enable AI model training at every scale for startups and enterprises

    Annotation Task

    • 3D Cuboid

    • Video

    • 2D Bounding Box

    • Pixel Perfect Contour

    • Semantic Segmentation

    • Polygon

    • Line

    • Image Categorization

    • Quality

    • Support

    • APIs for Integration

    Choose a plan


    • $1 / Point cloud (Base fee)
      + 0.07 / Cuboid

    • $3 / Video (Base fee)
      + $0.005 / Object

    • $0.05 / Image (Base fee)
      + $0.04 / Box

    • $0.05 / Image (Base fee)
      + $0.10 / Contour

    • $5 / Image

    • $0.05 / Image (Base fee)
      + $0.06 / Polygon

    • $0.05 / Image (Base fee)
      + $0.05 / Line

    • $0.05 / Image (Base fee)
      + $0.03 / Annotation

    • High quality with dedicated QA process

    • Email and Slack support

    • N/A


    • Significantly discounted pricing for large data volume

    • Guaranteed the best quality and throughput

    • Private slack channel with dedicated project manager(s)

    • Fully customizable APIs and callbacks supporting your engineering team in system integration


    Accelerate the development of your AI applications with simple pricing for training data.


    • 3D Cuboid

      $1 / Point cloud (Base fee) + 0.07 / Cuboid

    • Video

      $3 / Video (Base fee) + $0.005 / Object

    • 2D Bounding Box

      $0.05 / Image (Base fee) + $0.04 / Box

    • Pixel Perfect Contour

      $0.05 / Image (Base fee) + $0.10 / Contour

    • Semantic Segmentation

      $5 / Image

    • Polygon

      $0.05 / Image (Base fee) + $0.06 / Polygon

    • Line

      $0.05 / Image (Base fee) + $0.05 / Line

    • Image Categorization

      $0.05 / Image (Base fee) + $0.03 / Annotation

    • High quality with dedicated QA process

    • Support via email and slack


    • Significantly discounted pricing for large data volume.

    • Guaranteed the best quality and throughput

    • Private slack channel with dedicated project manager(s)

    • Fully customizable APIs and callbacks supporting your engineering team in system integration

    We're hiring!

    Let's join us to build the most awesome data platform accelerating the future of AI. We always look for top-notch machine learning engineers, software engineers, and product managers. Please drop us a line to tell about yourself, we will start from there.

    Question about our service? 🙄
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